Black & Bleu¬ requires a LIcense Key to convert it from a Demo to an unlimited use commercial product.
If you purchased the CDROM, you will find the License Key is inside the CDROM case. If you bought the "Electronic Version" the key was provided to you via EMail or traditional mail.
The License Key will give you unlimited use of the current version of Black & Bleu¬. It will be requested by Black & Bleu¬ when you use it for the first time.
In certain cases, the License Key will work with other versions as well. Refer to the file "Read about Black & Bleu¬" for more details about our version numbering and what it means to your use of versions besides the current one.
The key is a collection of case-sensitive letters separated by dashes. The letters are in 5 groups of 4 letters each with the dashes in between. Here is an example:
You MUST enter the letters and the dashes EXACTLY as they are. Case is important as well as the dashes. Don't pad the key with extra characters such as blanks.
If you don't have a key, you can still use Black & Bleu¬ for a limited number of times before it expires.